Kunane Dreier

Kunane Dreier (He/Him)

Title: LGB&T Program & Capacity Building Manager

Organization: Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center

Bio: Health Equity Manager at the Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center, Kunane Dreier is a leader within the LGTBQI community.  Kunane has worked in the field for 18+ years providing HIV & HCV testing and prevention services, smoking cessation, and most recently, working with individuals experiencing houselessness. Kunane also provides capacity building and training with a focus on harm reduction throughout Hawai’i and the U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands. Kunane is a graduate of the University of Hawaii at West Oahu with a bachelor’s in public administration. Kunane is a recipient of the Pacific Business News 2019 Business of Pride award. Kunane continues to build and foster community relationships in both his professional and personal life.

Tribal Affiliation: Native Hawaiian